Heewon Lee
Ewha Womans University, South Korea
Heewon Lee is presently persuing her MS-Ph.D integrated course in Pharmaceutical Sciences college of pharmacy, Ewha Woman’s University, Seoul, Korea. Completed B.S. in pharmacy college of pharmacy, Ewha Woman’s University, Seoul, Korea. Awarded with university scholarship & also has a Korean pharmacist license. Research includes studying the function of TCTP/HRF, a multifunctional protein. TCTP/HRF was found in body fluids of allergic patients and its importance was recognized, but the receptor and its mechanism of action were not yet known. Her ultimate goal was to find the HRF receptor, but attempts to isolate and identify it were unsuccessful. In the process, however, she discovered a functional domain that is thought to be the receptor binding domain of HRF. Antibodies targeting this region are being produced and the antibodies with good efficacy will be selected as HRF inhibitors.
Abstract : Histamine-releasing factor is a potential therapeutic target for OVA-induced allergic rhinitis